We seek original ideas and analyses on topics of international politics and world affairs, particularly from a realist perspective or addressing realist concerns.
We have no fixed “format” in the sense of a style guide, but we expect prospective authors to have familiarized themselves with the magazine and to have a sense for the ongoing conversations within it; to know how questions are framed and what previous authors have said (or not said) about the subject at hand. This last point is especially critical. Authors submitting manuscripts or proposals dealing with topics covered in the magazine should be aware of the arguments presented by their predecessors and either address those arguments or break new ground.
Due to possible copyright and legal restrictions, all articles submitted must be exclusive to?TNI. Do not submit an article to TNI and another publication at the same time.
We are happy to consider manuscripts—no pitches—for the following types of articles:
Print: As of December 1, 2022, our print magazine has been indefinitely suspended.
Online Features: For articles between 800 and 2,000 words. Please utilize embedded hyperlinks to point to sources.?Do not submit manuscripts with source notes or footnotes.
Blogs: For posts in length between 600 and 1,000?words.
Such works may be submitted by e-mail attachment and as .doc or .docx files?only. Please direct submissions to: [email protected].
Please put “Submission” in the subject line, indicate the submission type clearly in the body of the email, and include a short two to three-sentence biography at the end of your work.
Please give the staff five business days (not counting Saturday or Sunday) from the time of submission in which to evaluate manuscripts or proposals.
Due to the high volume of manuscript submissions, and in keeping with our editorial practice of reading all submissions (that meet our criteria),?we can only acknowledge articles we are interested in publishing.?If you do not receive such confirmation after the requisite period, you are free to take your manuscript for placement to another publication.
We cannot provide editorial advice or comments. While all items are analyzed for accuracy we do not employ professional fact-checkers.